Classes & Events:
Jamie has studied and trained with internationally renowned psychic mediums Paul and Deborah Rees as well as Sharon Klingler. Jamie teaches classes through UMKC / Communiversity. Jamie just finished 3-days as the psychic at the KC Metaphysical Fair - July 2015. More events and classes are upcoming and will be listed as information becomes available!

Learn From One Of The Best In Kansas City!
Jamie has studied and trained with internationally renowned psychic mediums Paul and Deborah Rees as well as Sharon Klingler. Jamie teaches classes through UMKC / Communiversity. Classes must be signed-up for and paid in advance and are held at various locations. Please click class time to get more details and to sign-up.
Upcoming Classes:
Intro to Psychic and Mediumship Development: What exactly does it mean to be psychic? Do you often wonder if loved ones in spirit can still communicate with us? Have you wanted to learn skills and techniques to take your abilities to the next level? If so, this interactive workshop promises to give you new and fun ways to connect with spirits and enhance your everyday life. Jamie is a local psychic medium who enjoys teaching and showing you new ways of connecting with spirits. Please bring $5 to class for materials. To get more details and sign up, click the class time below.
Spirit Speaks: Is there a friend or family member in spirit that you would like to hear from? Are you skeptical that our loved ones in spirit can no longer communicate with us? Each person is guaranteed at least one spirit connection. Jamie is a local psychic medium who has studied and trained with internationally renowned psychic mediums Paul and Deborah Rees as well as Sharon Klingler. Please bring $20 to class for materials. To get more details and sign up, click the class time below.
Intuition-The Gift we Ignore: Did you know that you we were all born with a resource within us that can empower us in our everyday lives? Our intuition is our birthright and this class will teach you ways to begin listening to one of the most unique gifts we came into this world with. Jamie is a local psychic medium who enjoys teaching and showing you new ways of connecting with spirit. Please bring $5.00 to class for materials. To get more details and sign up, click the class time below.

Meet With One Of The
Best Psychic Mediums!
Is there a loved one who has passed that you'd love to hear from? Do you wonder if they are
still around us? Evidential Medium, Jamie Collins will deliver messages from Spirit in person.