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Story from a client ~

Sometimes when I do readings for clients, the information that comes through is not always understood by the client, until much later. This story is from a client I did a reading for in September, she shared this with me.

September 23, 2021

"During a reading I had, you mentioned frogs and what connection that would have to my mother who is also deceased, and I wanted to share this story.

My mother and my daughter had a very special bond. My mom was there when I delivered, and she would always tell anyone who would listen that she gave birth to four children, but this was the only birth she saw. It filled her with so much joy, as did my daughter.

There were multiple times I would call my mom exasperated by my daughter’s antics. She would listen as a good mom will and then laugh and say, “Now you know what it is like raising you.”

My mom died in 2006 and shortly thereafter I found a lake house. It wasn’t much but it had a deck my husband could fish from, and it was close to a lake and sat right on a pond. We purchased it and I remember thinking, ‘mom would love this.’

After one family weekend, I was checking the kid’s rooms as I always did right before we left. We were never certain when another free weekend would be had so I wanted to make sure there was no food or beverages left in their rooms that would attract critters.

This weekend as I was checking my daughter’s room, I kept hearing a ‘thump, thump,’ it wasn’t terribly loud, but it was consistent. I said a little prayer as I opened one of her dresser drawers and as I peered inside, I saw maybe four or five little frogs. A moment of exasperation came over me and then I laughed as I gathered them up to free them from captivity and have a little talk with my daughter about keeping living things caged.

As we drove away from the lake house, I remember thinking “Mom would get the biggest kick out of this story.” I could almost hear her laughing in my mind.

Jaime, I have now seen you twice and each time I learn something new about the spirits who are around me. I share my story of my visits with you to all my friends because you truly have a gift, and I am so grateful you share it. You have given me peace with so many things and I am truly blessed that our paths crossed that one psychic fair when I felt my spirit just gravitate to you.

As I was thinking about this story this morning on my way to work, a Critter Ridder van drove past me and I laughed and said, ‘thanks, Mom!”

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

Marjo Swedeen Rollin

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